Future Enhancement
Scalable Mobile Presence Cloud with Communication Security
We analyze the performance of
PresenceCloud in terms of the search cost and search satisfaction level. Our current
PresenceCloud does not address the communication security problem, and the
presence server authentication problem, we discuss the possible solutions as
follows. The distributed presence service may make the mobile presence service
more prone to communication security problems, such as malicious user attacks
and the user privacy.
Several approaches
are possible for addressing the communication security issues. For example, the
Skype protocol offers private key mechanisms for end-to-end encryption. In
PresenceCloud, the TCP connection between a presence server and users, or a
presence server could be established over SSL to prohibit user impersonation
and man-in-the-middle attacks. This end-to-end encryption approach is also used
in XMPP/SIMPLE protocol.
The presence server authentication problem is
anothersecurity problem in distributed presence services. In centralized presence
architectures, it is no presence server authentication problem, since users
only connect to an authenticated presence server. In PresenceCloud, however, requires a system
that assumes no trust between presence servers, it means that a malicious
presence server is possible in PresenceCloud. To address this authentication
problem, a simple approach is to apply a centralized authentication server.
Every presence server needs to register an authentication server; PresenceCloud
could certificate the presence server every time when the presence server joins
to PresenceCloud. An alternative solution is PGP web of trust model , which is
a decentralized approach. In this model, a presence server wishing to join the
system would create a certifying authority and ask any existing presence server
to validate the new presence server’s certificate.
However, such a certificate is only valid to another
presence server if the relying party recognizes the verifier as a trusted introducer
in the system. These two mechanisms both can address the directory
authentication problem principally.
In additional, the user satisfaction of mobile
presence service is another search issue. Several studies have investigated the
issues of user satisfaction in several domains, including VOIP WWW search
engine. To the best of our knowledge, there is no study of exploring the user
satisfaction issues, such as search response time, search precise, etc, about
mobile presence services. Given the growth of social network applications and
mobile device computing capacity, it is an interesting research direction to
explore the user satisfaction both on mobile presence services or mobile
Performance Analysis
To improve the efficiency of the search operation,
PresenceCloud requires a caching strategy to replicate presence information of
users. In order to adapt to changes in the presence of users, the caching
strategy should be asynchronous and not require expensive mechanisms for
distributed agreement. In PresenceCloud, each PS node maintains a user list of
presence information of the attached users, and it is responsible for caching
the user list of each node in its PS list, in other words, PS nodes only
replicate the user list at most one hop away from itself. The cache is
updated when neighbors establish connections to it, and periodically updated
with its neighbors. Therefore, when a PS node receives a query, it can respond
not only with matches from its own user list, but also provide matches
from its caches that are the user lists offered by all of its

A Scalable Server Architecture for Mobile
Presence Services in
Social Network Applications
Social network applications are becoming increasingly
popular on mobile devices. A mobile presence service is an essential component
of a social network application because it maintains each mobile user’s
presence information, such as the current status (online/offline), GPS location
and network address, and also updates the user’s online friends with the information
continually. If presence updates occur frequently, the enormous number of
messages distributed by presence servers may lead to a scalability problem in a
large-scale mobile presence service. To address the problem, we propose an
efficient and scalable server architecture, called Presence Cloud, which
enables mobile presence services to support large-scale social network
applications. When a mobile user joins a network, Presence Cloud searches for
the presence of his/her friends and notifies them of his/her arrival. Presence Cloud
organizes presence servers into a quorum-based server-to-server architecture for
efficient presence searching. It also leverages a directed search algorithm and
a one-hop caching strategy to achieve small constant search latency. We analyze
the performance of Presence Cloud in terms of the search cost and search
satisfaction level. The search cost is defined as the total number of messages
generated by the presence server when a user arrives; and search satisfaction
level is defined as the time it takes to search for the arriving user’s friend
list. The results of simulations demonstrate that Presence Cloud achieves
performance gains in the search cost without compromising search satisfaction.
Existing System
In this section, we describe previous researches on
presence services, and survey the presence service of existing systems. Well
known commercial IM systems leverage some form of centralized clusters to
provide presence services. Jennings III et al. presented a taxonomy of different
features and functions supported by the three most popular IM systems, AIM,
Microsoft MSN and Yahoo! Messenger. The authors also provided an overview of
the system architectures and observed that the systems use client-server-based
architectures. Skype, a popular voice over IP application, utilizes the Global Index (GI) technology to provide a presence service for users. GI is
a multi-tiered network architecture where each node maintains full knowledge of
all available users. Since Skype is not an open protocol, it is difficult to
determine how GI technology is used exactly. Moreover, Xiao et al. analyzed
the traffic of MSN and AIM system. They found that the presence information is
one of most messaging traffic in instant messaging systems. In, authors shown that
the largest message traffic in existing presence services is buddy NOTIFY
Proposed System:
Recently, there is an increase amount of interest in
how to design a peer-to-peer SIP. P2PSIP has been proposed to remove the
centralized server, reduce maintenance costs, and prevent failures in server-based
SIP deployment. To maintain presence information, P2PSIP clients are organized
in a DHT system, rather than in a centralized server. However, the presence
service architectures of Jabber and P2PSIP are distributed,
the buddy-list search problem we defined later also
could affect such distributed systems.
It is noted that few articles in discuss the
scalability issues of the distributed presence server architecture. Saint Andre
analyzes the traffic generated as a result of presence information between
users of inter-domains that support the XMPP. Houri et al. Show that the amount of presence traffic in
SIMPLE can be extremely heavy, and they analyze the effect of a large presence
system on the memory and CPU loading. Those works in study related problems and
developing an initial set of guidelines for optimizing inter-domain presence
traffic and present a DHT-based presence server architecture.
Recently, presence services are also integrated into
mobile services. For example, 3GPP has defined the integration of presence
service into its specification in UMTS. It is based on SIP protocol, and uses
SIMPLE to manage presence information. Recently, some mobile devices also
support mobile presence services. For example, the Instant Messaging and
Presence Services (IMPS) was developed by the Wireless Village consortium and
was united into Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) IMPS in 2005. In, Chen et al. proposed
a weakly consistent scheme to reduce the number of updating messages in mobile
presence services of IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). However, it also suffers
scalability problem since it uses a central SIP server to perform presence
update of mobile users. In, authors presented the server scalability and
distributed management issues in IMS-based presence service.
1. Presence Cloud server overlay.
2. One-hop caching strategy.
Directed buddy search.
Modules Description
Presence Cloud server overlay
The Presence Cloud server
overlay construction algorithm organizes the PS nodes into a server-to-server
overlay, which provides a good low-diameter overlay property. The low-diameter
property ensures that a PS node only needs two hops to reach any other PS
2. One-hop caching strategy
To improve the efficiency of
the search operation, Presence Cloud requires a caching strategy to replicate
presence information of users. In order to adapt to changes in the presence of
users, the caching strategy should be asynchronous and not require expensive
mechanisms for distributed agreement. In Presence Cloud, each PS node maintains
a user list of presence information of the attached users, and it is
responsible for caching the user list of each node in its PS list, in
other words, PS nodes only replicate the user list at most one hop away
from itself. The cache is updated when neighbors establish connections to it,
and periodically updated with its neighbors. Therefore, when a PS node receives
a query, it can respond not only with matches from its own user list,
but also provide matches from its caches that are the user lists offered by all
of its neighbors.
Directed buddy search
We contend that minimizing
searching response time is important to mobile presence services. Thus, the
buddy list searching algorithm of Presence Cloud coupled with the two-hop
overlay and one-hop caching strategy ensures that Presence Cloud can typically
provide swift responses for a large number of mobile users. First, by
organizing PS nodes in a server-to-server overlay network, we can therefore use
one-hop search exactly for queries and thus reduce the network traffic without
significant impact on the search results. Second, by capitalizing the one-hop
caching that maintains the user lists of its neighbors, we improve response
time by increasing the chances of finding buddies. Clearly, this mechanism both
reduces the network traffic and response time. Based on the mechanism, the
population of mobile users can be retrieved by a broadcasting operation in any
PS node in the mobile presence service. Moreover, the broadcasting message can
be piggybacked in a buddy search message for saving the cost.
System Configuration:-
H/W System Configuration:-
Processor - Pentium –III
Speed - 1.1 Ghz
RAM - 256
MB (min)
Hard Disk - 20 GB
Floppy Drive - 1.44 MB
Key Board - Standard Windows Keyboard
Mouse - Two or Three Button Mouse
Monitor - SVGA
S/W System Configuration:-
Operating System :Windows95/98/2000/XP
Server : Tomcat5.0/6.X
Front End : HTML, Java, Jsp
Scripts : JavaScript.
Server side Script :
Java Server Pages.
Database : Mysql
v Database
Connectivity : JDBC.
In this paper, we have presented Presence Cloud, a
scalable server architecture that supports mobile presence services in large-scale
social network services. We have shown that Presence Cloud achieves low search
latency and enhances the performance of mobile presence services. In addition, we
discussed the scalability problem in server architecture designs, and
introduced the buddy-list search problem, which is a scalability problem in the
distributed server architecture of mobile presence services. Through a simple mathematical
model, we show that the total number of buddy search messages increases
substantially with the user arrival rate and the number of presence servers.
The results of simulations demonstrate that Presence Cloud achieves major
performance gains in terms of the search cost and search satisfaction. Overall,
Presence Cloud is shown to be a scalable mobile presence service in large-scale
social network services.
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